Friday, October 15, 2010

Worker Bee

Well this was a long, interesting week. Wednesday morning we had our usual clinical skills class followed by a histo lecture on the renal system. We had the afternoon off, so it was a pretty short day. However, they made up for this on Thursday. We had a two hour anatomy lecture on the pelvis, which was only the first part of a two-part lecture. There was a lot of info to take in, and they followed it up with two embryology lectures. The first was over the development of the genital system, and the following lecture was over development of the urinary system. Needless to say it will be a busy weekend. As if that wasn't enough, this morning we had another two hour anatomy lecture to finish up the pelvic region. This was followed by a histo lab in which we examined tissues of the renal system. In the afternoon, we had anatomy lab where we dissected the posterior abdominal wall (mainly the kidneys and nerves located around that area). It was a pretty exhausting week with a lot to absorb, and with my parents coming up on Saturday I will likely be trying to catch up all next week.

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