Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well then. We got our CPM I grades back this week, and it is just now starting to sink in that the block is over. Overall I was quite satisfied with my standing at the end of the block. Not much else to say about that other than I feel that this second block is going to be a significant improvement over the prior.

Tuesday was a pretty simple day. In the morning we had our first genetics lecture which was quite interesting. The professor is pretty good and she lectures well. In the afternoon we had a special guest speaker in lieu of our humanities small group. A woman came to speak to us about allocating limited medical resources... she was in New Orleans during Katrina and was stuck for days in a hospital taking care of patients, and ended up having to choose which patients to save and which ones were beyond saving. She also went to Haiti after the earthquake hit to treat patients there. It was a fascinating lecture and everyone loved it. Wednesday morning we had our clinical skills class where we had another fascinating guest speaker. The day's topic was death and dying, and our speaker was a cancer patient whose 10 year old son died of cancer some years ago. A very insightful and powerful talk. In the afternoon, we had histo lab where we examined various tissues from the male reproductive system. This morning I skipped out on genetics which started at 8:30 and watched it online later instead. Histo lecture was right before lunch, and we learned about tissues of the female reproductive system. In the afternoon we had a panel of M4s come to answer any questions we had, but we didn't learn anything that we hadn't heard a dozen times before. This whole week went by in kind of a huge blur and all of the lectures sort of seemed to blend into each other. Tomorrow I have class all day and then I am headed to the Woodlands for a Maroon 5 concert, which I am beyond ecstatic for.

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