Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, Monday's test was rather difficult. First of all, the test was only a two-parter, consisting of a multiple choice section and a powerpoint section. There was no anatomy lab practical, which is usually where I garner the most points. The genetics questions were fairly difficult, and there were quite a few tricky histo questions from past lectures as well. I'm not really sure what to think, as I think the multiple choice went very well and half of the powerpoint went well. The other half of the powerpoint felt like a disaster, however. I don't know when we will get out grades back, but hopefully it will be before next week.

After the test our class rented out Paddock Lane, a bar on northgate, and we had a private Halloween party for the med school. Some of the costumes were pretty awesome... I went in a white coat drenched in blood. My personal favorite was the group of 4 guys who went dressed as Chilean miners, complete with hard hats and dirt-smudged faces. It was the wildest night we've had in a very long time, and we all got drivers to take us home since we were incapacitated, hehe. This morning we had a lecture over anatomy of the gluteal region. From now on, all we have are anatomy lectures, which is very nice. However, we will still have 20% review material on our exams, most of which will be histo, which sucks. In the afternoon we had an interesting humanities lecture over the regional impact of medical missions trips.

I haven't gotten much sleep lately, so now it is time for a long nap.

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